Uploading via Excel allows you to upload large data sets using the template we provide.
In the following section, we will show you how you can efficiently organize your products and services in your europages profile in 7 simple steps using the Excel upload. The upload via Excel allows you to upload large amounts of data using the standardized template provided by us.
Step 1: Access "Products & Services"
Step 4: Download and complete the template
Step 5: Upload the completed Excel file
Step 6: Wait for the import process
Step 7: Publish products & services
Step 1: Access "Products & Services"
Log into your account and click on "Products & Services".
Step 2: Open the import menu
Select the "Import" button to access the import menu.
Step 3: Select "Excel Upload"
Select the "Excel Upload" option to proceed with your import.
Step 4: Download and complete the template
Download the provided Excel template and complete it by following the guidelines outlined in the document. You can enter up to 15 keywords in advance in the standardized template.
Step 5: Upload the completed Excel file
Once you have completed your Excel file, proceed to upload it by using the designated upload field to initiate the import process.
Step 6: Wait for the import process
The import process will start and may take a few minutes. Your products and services will be saved as drafts. Carefully review each product and make any necessary adjustments. The product name, category, description, keywords, and occasionally images might be automatically pre-filled.
Step 7: Publish products & services
Publish your products or services individually by clicking "Publish".
Your products are now visible.
Regularly updating your product portfolio is essential for enhancing visibility to potential buyers and increasing your likelihood of receiving inquiries.
Other upload methods
If you're contemplating whether the Excel upload is the most suitable option for your needs, have a look at these alternative methods:
- Website Import: The website import feature enables you to seamlessly upload products and services straight from your own website. This method not only streamlines the process, but also efficiently gathers essential product information with minimal manual input required.
- PDF Import: Using the PDF import feature, you can effortlessly extract information from various types of PDF documents, including brochures, data sheets, and catalogues. This approach is especially beneficial for handling larger documents, allowing for efficient data transfer with minimal manual effort.