Discover how to easily and efficiently import your products and services directly from your website.
The Website Import AI feature allows you to import your products and services directly from your website. This saves time and reduces manual effort by automatically capturing relevant product details.
Step 1: Log in to your account
Step 3: Select Website Import and enter URL
Step 1: Log in to your account
Log in to your europages account and click on "Products & Services".
Step 2: Open the import menu
To access the import options, simply click on the "Import" button.
Step 3: Select website import and enter URL
Select "Website import (AI)" and enter the URL of your company website. Then click on "Start import."
Step 4: Start the import
The import of your products and services begins and may take a few minutes. During the process, a banner displaying "In progress" will appear. You can leave the page and return later; the window does not need to remain open.
Step 5: Review drafts
All detected products and services will be saved as drafts. Review these drafts carefully.
Step 6: Edit products
Review each product and make adjustments as necessary. The product name, category, description, keywords, and images will most likely be pre-filled but can be edited if needed.
Step 7: Publish products
Publish your products or services individually by clicking on "Publish."
Your products are now visible.
Make sure to regularly update your product portfolio to improve visibility to buyers and increase the chances of receiving inquiries.
Step 8: Other upload options
If the website import option does not meet your needs, the following alternatives are available:
PDF Import: The PDF import allows you to extract and process data from PDFs such as brochures, datasheets, or catalogues.
Excel Upload: Use the Excel upload to efficiently upload large amounts of data using a template provided by us.